Wednesday, February 19, 2014

T-Girls Workout 1 Egg Cups

A margarita night great idea was to workout and share healthy eating tips!  Being healthy is the best asset to share with those you love.

We started our own workout group meeting on Saturday mornings.  I cleared out the family room and hauled the TV down to workout to a video to set the stage.  The girls showed up and we mixed southwest egg cups in a muffin pan.  

First place thin turkey, a spoon of black beans for carbs and green chili.  Then fill the cup to 2/3's full with egg whites or an egg.  Keep the yolk in at the end if you don't mind the fat.  If watching the fat, toss to the nearest puppy. 
The family room became our workout room!
Myself, my sis, & Chino
Smoked turkey, beans, and green chili
Add eggs to the muffin pan

My sis enjoys cooking

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Potawatomi Ribbon Pattern in an old Navajo Trick

When Venida Chanault recently became president of Haskell Indian Nations University, I used an old Navajo teacher trick to create Potawatomi decorations for a library hosted party.  Teachers can make anything out of butcher paper!  Think how you can decorate using butcher paper.

I was asked to come up with large designs for a reception dinner hosted by the library.  Although I had a booklist to prepare, decorating for her event was pushed to high priority.  My mom, who sewed these traditional patterns in ribbonwork for my brother's dance regalia, was there for moral support. We searched for a traditional pattern, then practiced and adopted it for our own.  Then mass produced for ten, 10 x 1 foot table runners.

Practice your design to make it yours
Pinpoint one design.
Trying to remember how the design worked

Table runners are 10 feet long.

T Girls Workout 2: Green Chili Quiche

Our workout group meets to share a sweaty hour of fun and challenge with some tasty food.  The girls are always fun and giggly even if we want to stay in bed.

On our second T Girl workout Saturday, we made green chili egg quiche.  Stace shared this recipe where the shell is made out of green chili rather than a dough to cut carbs.

Earlier, I boiled turkey bratwurst and shredded some zucchini.  The green chili is from my sis, Barb's shared frozen stash direct from New Mexico!  We peeled the chili and covered pie dishes while the brats, rotel-like tomatoes browned.  We placed the brats and tomatoes in the pie tins over the green chili.  Sprinkled cilantro and almond cheese on top to cook.  We placed in the oven at 350 for our workout time!  We then enjoyed season 5 and season 13 core and cool down.

Cilantro, frozen NM green chili, and fake rotel

Boiled turkey brats and fake Rotel

This week, mama L brought her hubby and kiddies to sled while we worked out!

Planting with Darrell

Start your early planting now!  Planting always sets your sights on the future!  Farmers never know what kind of a year it will be, but hopes are always high for the perfect garden.  Gardening is inspiring and addicting, so share gardening with others!

Darrell is a faker.  He zooms around in a motorized chair, but don't let this fool you.  He can walk flight after flight of stairs.  He thought he was just going to drop off some cauliflower seeds, but I conned him into filling cups with dirt and planting with me.  

The spring 2014 garden was started with recycled casino cups and quality dirt.  We planted broccoli, cauliflower, onions, and basil.  The rest is yet to come.
This is my friend Darrell and my wild sweaty hat head.
Darrell found the cauliflower seeds and wanted onions also.

I conned him into working.

Hollywood Glam Night

The RIPPED Revival hosted Hollywood Glam night with delicious food and complete with a red carpet.  Fancy shoes, sequins, laughter, awards, and song made for a wonderful dance.  

The winner of the RIPPED color competition was Stacey's (puke) purple team.  Although my Blue team should have won on heart alone, purple's relentless hours of practice paid off.  The Texas trainers were competing, Stacey's lead was Theresa, Master RIPPED trainer of Dallas, while my blue leader was Lisa, Master RIPPED trainer of Austin. They won in the obstacle course.  They won in their Prince, Purple Reign theme.  (They probably won just from the suck up alone.)  I didn't say that did I?  hee hee.
Stace & I on the red carpet!
Glammed up with Terry & Tina Shorter!

With Dallas trainer Theresa

OMG with the glitzy Texas girls.  Stace's RIPPED trainer, Lisa!
The purple team that won!  Hours of practice paid off! (Puke)

RIPPED Revival 2014 Blue Team

The RIPPED Revival 2014 creates a color competition each year.  Each color team competes for the coveting medal that indicates their supreme awesomeness!  Our blue team was lead by Lisa from Austin and Stephanie from California.  Elvia, our desert rose, teaches RIPPED all week long in private clubs and a boxing club.  Camille is tight on her eating plans so she can tone for a body building competition.  Theresa teaches in Arkansas.  Micky teaches RIPPED in Hawaii and brought his beautiful wife to the revival.  Stacie brought a ton of spirit!  Trish has her own gym in Texas.  I was fortunate to be surrounded by such spirited people dedicated on making people live longer, healthier, happier lives.
Theresa, Camille & I show our 80's glam!
We were winners in our own hearts!

Filming R.I.P.P.E.D. Season 16

RIPPED provides plateau proof workouts because Terry and Tina choreograph changing workouts to the similar format.  By the time your muscles get used to one set of workouts, they change.  As participants, you develop the sense of learning, practice, strength, agility, then once you are proficient, it changes.  The changing seasons of RIPPED keep your mind and body at the challenging point of learning.  

The RIPPED Revival allowed for all of the trainers and participants to help with the filming of Season 16, used by the trainers.  As participants, we don't have access to these seasons.  Only the group fitness trainers see these, but have been a terrific resource to myself.  

Enjoying the magic of filming!
Exertainment at its finest!
Terry Shorter and his RIPPED master trainers

RIPPED Revival 2014: Meeting my gladiators

There is nothing more exciting than meeting your heros.  In the past year, I worked out to these folks on video, several hours a week.  They take away bad days, push my body and mind, and inspire me to new levels. I lost 34 pouds on the RIPPED2fit challenge with my coach, Stacey.  She introduced me to the workout format and I've had a hoot being her fitness tail.  She inspires me to keep going when I want donuts.

The RIPPED Revival allowed me to peek at them with the same excitement as if I saw Santa Claus.

Creators Terry and Tina Shorter!

Pauline, Master trainer from Denver.  In Season 11, I learned if you can do bear crawls, you can do anything!!!  Sometimes I do bear crawls before I do something challenging like changing the fuel filter on the car!

This is master trainer, Lisa, from Austin.  She trained Stacey on RIPPED.  This year, she was my blue team leader.  Absolute fun!

BK!  Billy,, says, "aaaaauuuuuuffffff!!!!  I like it, I love it, I want some more of it!!!!!  AAAAALLLLLLL  DAAAAY!!!!  Master trainer from Washington, D.C.

Vince from El Paso!!!  Mr. High Kicks!!!  Season 13!!!!  Great to work out by him!!!  He's like Tigger, he just keeps bouncing!!!

Reunited with the Ocean

I am a spiritual being on Earth.  I am part of the elements:  water, land, air, and fire.  I love the critters of Earth (except chiggers and chicken- killing raccoons).  

The RIPPED Revival weekend allowed me to reunite with the ocean.  

Sharing with Stace

Monday, February 17, 2014

Bird's eye view of home

Keeping these pics large, hopefully, you can identify any sites you may know.
The crater south of Winslow, AZ.  I remember Caverly paid my way to go into sit at the edge.  
Sedona, AZ.  I can feel the vortex from Tea Kettle Rock from here!
The Chuska Range on upper left is Tohatchi, NM.  Middle would be Crownpoint.  I lived at the northern top of this range.  The top edge would be Table Mesa. Durango Mtns to upper right.
Tsoodzil, Blue Bead or Turquoise mountain, Mt. Taylor, Sacred Mountain from the South
Clinton Lake towards Topeka where I live now.
Kansas University

The Radioactive Chickenheads

All originally from Topeka, but in Cali!

We had the opportunity to see the Unextraordinary Gentlemen perfom in Glendale.  They played at a blacklight party.  Who would have known the fun that you could have with blacklights?  

I was amazed to see Jennifer play after decades of her band in Topeka, performing at the juice bar, the Hanger, on Forbes Field.  I loved seeing my friend again from so long ago.  

Then, came the Radioactive Chickenheads!  If you want to have fun with anyone from any age, I suggest having a blacklight party.  Buy some day glow paint, foam or something to make heads or simply decorate your clothing.... then dance!
I figured these were vegetarians...
The Grease T-bird head.

That's me!
That's Jenn.