Friday, November 9, 2012

Sharing the Trout

This morning, I woke before 6.  I didn't get up early for the first time in a week.  My pursuit for the Lake Shawnee trout has been accomplished. 

Yesterday, i caught one more making the count four. Sharing the trout yesterday and today has been great.  The funny thing... I did not catch one until I shared the quest with others.  Little JJ and Chuck came Wednesday.  Chuck, in fact, hooked one before me.  I was swearing!  Chuck said later, he felt bad that it was so easy for him!  I guess it was just me.  I caught my first on Wednesday.  Thursday morning was two.  Thursday night was one.  Each one was 18 inches.  I am happy to say, I fed my family with them!
Mom, Marv, and Chuck had a great breakfast yesterday.  Last night, Barb marinated the fillets in Thai seasoning from the "spice man" of the KC farmer's market.  She grilled them on her cedar planks.  It looked beautiful.

Wood Chuck Would

Carver brother Chuck getting his woodchip-flying action on!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012